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At the heart of the extended “Mug” family, we are joined together by a vision of service, sincerity, smiles & fun. We will do our best to remember your name or at least what you’re drinking & we hope you remember ours.

Our 5th decade of service finds us with second generation staff & customers, as well as new customers who were once staff. We consider this evolution quite a compliment. We’ve lost some of our dear friends over the years, but we welcome all of our new ones.

You’re in for a one-of-a-kind treat at Erv’s Mug as you gaze upon the fascinating collection of antique saloon memorabilia covering the walls & ceiling. Thanks to the volunteer efforts of our creative staff, Erv’s comes alive with seasonal magic & decorations several times a year.

We are unique. We are independent & we cannot be duplicated. In this world of cookie cutter chains and fast service drive thrus, we want you to relax & slow down a bit. Relax & experience an original, ’cause you can only get what you get here . . . here.

Make yourself at home for lunch, dinner, cocktails or a late date that just can’t wait.


  • Craftapped is not good with any other discounts or offers
  • There may be a pour size limit on high ABV beers or special releases.


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130 West Ryan Rd
Oak Creek, WI


Tuesday – Saturday
11:00 AM – 9:00 PM

Tuesday – Saturday
11:00 AM – Close