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Third Street Brewhouse traces its history all the way back to 1874, when a German immigrant started brewing beer on site. That was the birth of one of the first Minnesota breweries: Cold Spring Brewing Co.

They weathered Prohibition and the ups and downs of the macro brewing industry. Shifts in the beer industry came when hardworking Minnesotans – and other beer loving fans everywhere – started craving something different.

In 2012, Third Street Brewhouse was born and became the craft beer division of Cold Spring Brewing Co. They’re also the public face of the larger manufacturing company, so you’ll see their smiling faces when you visit Cold Spring Brewing Co.

They have a wide range of beer and craft beverage types in the Third Street portfolio, including IPAs, lagers, shandys, hard seltzers and more. Today, their craft lineup has something for everyone’s taste.

Year-Round Beers  |  Seasonal Beers  |  Spiked Seltzers  |  Beer Locator

219 Red River Ave. N.
Cold Spring, MN 56320
(320) 685-3690

Friday  4pm – 9pm
Saturday  1pm – 7pm
Sunday through Thursday  Closed

Website  |  Events and Facebook